domingo, 25 de julho de 2010

"People of the sky!"

So, here's hoping you made it and especially after the 'bronca' that I gave the coach company in Paris in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English... Now, what did I say? 'Are you a meterologist by any chance?' because he said that it wouldn't rain :) I am crossing everything possible and saying a little prayer in the hope that you are all well and about to embark on your plane home to Brazil.

I'm going to start my story with Gabriela and end with Gabriela! One day in one of our classes, Gabriela said 'Oh Gente do Ceu!' and I said 'hehehehe, each time someone uses a Portuguese expression, I'm going to write the translation on the board and we laughed a lot about it, so everytime someone wanted to say something like that, they said it in English 'Ohhh People of the sky!' Actually, I think it is more like 'Oh people of Heaven', but as we know it can mean both Heaven or sky ;) I did teach you some expressions we use though... I hope you remember!

You started out a little shy with me (you know who you are!), then we laughed so much in our classes (especially Vitor Hugo and I) and also on our trips. I truly hope you remember some of what I taught you too and even if it was only a few things, it was worth it :)
In fact, so much has happened in the time that I have known you all... maybe it's too much for me to write down here and especially at the moment as I have just arrived home and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired, it's unbelievable! I think I could sleep for a week!

Anyway, the last image I have in my mind (before the terrible queues for the Eurostar in Gare du Nord and the delay) was of Gabriela running up Rue de Navarin where our hotel (MY Hotel) was to say goodbye to me and wondering how I was leaving without having said goodbye to her. Such a sweet thing to do and then as she ran back and I ran to catch the metro as as we were leaving, we shouted 'People of the sky' in the street to each other :)

So guys, it's been an amazing experience having been part of your lives here in london and Paris.
I'm not going to say it was a walk in the park because it was quite intense, but it has been wonderful getting to know you all and having had the experience of taking care of you both here and in Paris as well as teaching you and I feel in more ways than one ;)

I'll never forget you all because I got to know you all in the time that I spent with you and you are all wonderful individuals. I don't know how you put up with me shouting at you all the time either!? hehehehehe
I really hope to maintain contact with you all, so make sure you write to me sometimes and God willing, I will see you all in Altinopolis next year or back here in London at some point in the future. I'm sure that a few of you will come back to study or even live here at some point... I mean, why not? :) Ah... and remember! You always have a 'Kelly' in London ;)

beijaoooo para todos!!! and God bless you all! You're all in my heart X

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